New Entrants to school are encouraged to visit prior to beginning school to help with a smooth transition. Please speak to the Principal to arrange times for pre-school visits. This is a big step for you and your child and we want this to be all go as smoothly as possible to ensure a great start to school.
You will need to complete and sign an enrolment form - either download the online form or fill one in when you come along to visit. To enrol your child you must to bring in your child’s birth certificate or passport and their immunisation certificate on the day so we can take copies of these. Evidence of these documents is required to be shown when enrolling a student for their first time. You may also like to bring along any other information that you feel may help us to get to know your child better as they take this first step into their school days. Any information collected by us will be treated and stored appropriately to maintain any privacy concerns you may have.
Along with the enrolment form you can download an information booklet about Tapu School which may answer any queries you may have please call us if you need any further information

Starting School

Information Booklet
Enrolment Form
Prospective students can be enrolled prior to their fifth birthday but can only legally attend school once they do finally turn five.
It is best to contact the school a few weeks before hand to familiarize yourself, and your child, with the staff and school, and get uniform items sorted. Prospective new entrants are encouraged to attend morning and afternoon sessions, at a time to suit both the class teacher and parent. This will allow them to spend time in their classroom and meet their classmates.
Please note that during pre-School visits, children remain the responsibility of their parents, not the school. On enrolment day bring the following documents and information along to school with your completed forms.
Ø Full Birth Certificate
Ø Child’s full name
Ø Pre-school Immunization record and COVID vaccination records for over 12’s
Ø Parent(s) / Caregiver(s) name(s)
Ø Occupation
Ø Residential & Mailing address
Ø Telephone number
Ø Alternative Emergency Contact name & ph no.
Ø Name of family Doctor
Ø Information on any serious illnesses, allergies or other health
concerns your child may be prone to or have suffered
Ø Medication if required.
It is also a good idea to bring an extra set of clothes along for the first little while in case of unexpected mishaps. Every care will be taken to ensure that your child’s introduction to school will be as smooth and pleasurable as possible.